Thursday, October 29, 2020

Catherine Hendon

Lexie Scott Hollis



The students are working hard in our typing program, Mavis Beacon. These students below are moving to the next level in our program. Way to go!!

Riley Herbison

Swayze Capoccacia

Avery Wilkerson

Ben Latham Meyer

Brixton Tolliver

Rowan Snyder


The 4K classes worked hard in our KIDPIX program painting/creating their own pumpkin patch!!

Please check out their precious smiles and beautiful creations!

Cate Crow

Sadie Harris

Stella Shivers

Riggs Rosson

Luke Christmas

Friday, October 2, 2020



5k students are working hard in kidpix!

They are using their mouse to write their names!

Karly Hendrix

Elli James Ford



 The students are working so hard and improving their typing skills 

each week. I am so proud of these students for earning

certificates in Mavis Beacon!!

Adam Christmas

Ellis Burd

Erik Howell

Jackson Holloway